last saturday, we suppose to have a xmas carols at our friends house but the plan changed when Ramesh call each of us...He informed his friend, Mr Clement was inviting us to come over to his Lodge at Kimanis....well halfly shocked but excited in the same time with the unplan trip, we managed at last reached at Utan paradise Jungle Lodge..Kimanis. For me I dont really have an idea about this place...I just bring myself with the other friends & didnt expect much here :P
As usual lah, sampai2 turus begambar :P tx ah sabas
The place where we stay...quite & nice
oh consider lucky to get this tent..:P nasib ada kusung, tx clement :D
we have bbq that nite & masak2..tu nahh tu bosou ikan..sadap bah!, spa bilang nda sadap?
hehe ni boby, biasalah selalu sexy kan ...pas mandi if im not mistaken :P

Besides trekking, actually ada juga gotong royong sorg...moved the main welcome signboard at the entrance of the road side and also we do berenang2 at the kinolosdon river..but I dont have the photos utk yg itu..wait for mr ramesh lah uplod lah ..kalu dia rajin that its, the unplaned trip the end of the day, punya main penat! nway thanks to Lapoba for the invitation & hospitality :)