Dear my lovely & caring friends,
In conjunction with 20th World Aids Day, O2C together with D'Junction Bistro & Club will organising RED GLAM CHARITY PARTY !! this event is consider as Red Carpet Event...purpose? To support KASIH (KK Aids Support Services), collecting donation & as well to develope awareness about AIDS among us..

Date : 7th December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 7pm - 10 pm
Time : 7pm - 10 pm
Artis-artis dan individu yang akan turut serta dan menyokong acara ini :
There will be also :
1. Door Gift for 50 early bird!!
2. Talks about aids by our Dear Dr Roddy Teo
3. RED CARPET photoshoot our talented photographer around KK do come "glamourously" ....
4. Dinner buffet (Ini mesti adalah ...)
Berminat untuk turut serta membuat charity/amal? All of us are welcome & just pay RM30 only bah ...for me thats the only way that I contribute..& oh ya, the money will be channel to KASIH , worth it..while we having party the same time we donate for those really need ..

do come join us & for sure we care!!