I think I should complete my trip story the other weeks to
mesilau before im going to share my very fresh & recent trip..consider also "unplan" trip :p ..

This is where we stay ...nice, comfortable house :)


Although kesejukan..as early 630am we already woke up bah..p jalan2 to see the scenery

so green..fresh & emmm nice!

the walk away ....ni dakat where we stay

angan2 bah to have small house mcm ni d sana haha...How I wish lah ...

jalan2 with budak2 nakal...

bilang c kuai..sy mau rumah mcm ni byk tangga2, buli kuch2 ho taiii :)

lepas sorg jln2 tu actually kami balik ..bfast then tido sikijap lagi baru kami pulang :) siok!