Last saturday i was at Kundasang, attending this Pesta Kobis. Nothing much different from previous years...cabbage still here and there with the same Minister do the launching... nah..just share u all a few photos lah ...:)
Me la mokirayou with the wakid full with kobis :P

The Minister witnessing these guys peel the kobis...capat ba dorg kupas :) lajuuu tu lah suma org heran2 tingu ni

Admire these young guys, they really2 have a good business during that day...1 bakul kobis (6 biji..only rm3)

Foods from kobis..every year they have this cooking competition part of the food saja lah

Kiut kan ni strawberry kundasang :P

Nah...kamu org tau ka ni sayurrrrrr?????

Nah tingu lah betapa murah tu sayur...kobis baru 80 sen ....

nahh ...lobakkk @ carrot :P dia bilang cerrot

Ini tu pokok misai kucing yg femes tu ..baik utk lelaki kunun kalu di buat jus...

last...c belalang yg tidak mau kalah ma c kobis :)
Bah itu saja lah story continue when I meet this Kuai ..hehe