Nunuk Ragang Monument, Tampias Ranau

If we travel all the way from Kota Kinabalu - Sandakan - Kota Kinabalu, im very sure you will pass by this anomalous monument, by the road side, located at Kg Tampias, Ranau (boleh google, cari juga). This extraordinary structure well known as "Nunuk Ragang Monument" atau orang kita bilang "Tugu Peringatan Nunuk Ragang". Got the chance to drop by here with 1 friend yg sot after menjelajah Sandakan, Kudat & Beluran :P
what did u can see from this structure? Eyes? Nose?

from inside look....since only me & my friend during this trip, it was quite & although it noon time, yaii its creepy...
Inside its empty except for some faded pictures and descriptions & this make this place like abandoned. Swallows have made this building their home and bird shit litter the floor. .. but the Nunuk Ragang event is held here annually, (macam every July) and they probably clean this place up once a year.

Nah apa itu Nunuk Ragang? Nunuk Ragang is a legendary red banyan tree traditionally located at the intersection of the left (Liwagu Kegibangan) and right (Liwagu Kawananan) branches of the Liwagu River to the east of Ranau and Tambunan in Sabah. The word "Nunuk" is a Dusun word for the Banyan tree, and "Ragang" comes from "aragang", the Dusun word for red. It was under this giant banyan tree that the village of Nunuk Ragang was founded and flourished.....

"Nunuk Ragang merupakan satu kaitan yang rapat dalam membuka lembaran sejarah yang dikaitkan dengan masyarakat KadazanDusun. Melalui beberapa kajian yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pengkaji budaya, telah berjaya membongkar asal usul masyarakat KadazanDusun. Masyarakat KadazanDusun mempercayai bahawa nenek moyang mereka berasal dari satu tempat yang bernama Nunuk Ragang yang bermakna “Pohon Ara berwarna merah”. Tempat tersebut terletak di satu kawasan hulu Labuk yang pada masa sekarang terletak di Daerah Ranau" ....nahh kawwww...seterusnya boleh dibaca disini....
Huguan Siow description & criteria. Huguan Siou is the title honored to the most prominent Kadazan Dusun leader in Sabah. Gelaran "Huguoan Siou" sangatlah sinonim di Sabah and this title is very close to the heart of each and every Sabahan....
We went inside but not to long (pandai bediri wooo tu bulu2 tangan) hehe
More photos about this monument & the nunuk ragang festival can also can see from here (