Nasi Kombos, Lotud cuisine
Kionsom Waterfall, Inanam
STB - Media Night (22/1/2010)
Tambunan's Warrior..... Gombunan

Tambunan Mee Sup
Nunuk Ragang Monument, Tampias Ranau
Nah apa itu Nunuk Ragang? Nunuk Ragang is a legendary red banyan tree traditionally located at the intersection of the left (Liwagu Kegibangan) and right (Liwagu Kawananan) branches of the Liwagu River to the east of Ranau and Tambunan in Sabah. The word "Nunuk" is a Dusun word for the Banyan tree, and "Ragang" comes from "aragang", the Dusun word for red. It was under this giant banyan tree that the village of Nunuk Ragang was founded and flourished.....
"Nunuk Ragang merupakan satu kaitan yang rapat dalam membuka lembaran sejarah yang dikaitkan dengan masyarakat KadazanDusun. Melalui beberapa kajian yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pengkaji budaya, telah berjaya membongkar asal usul masyarakat KadazanDusun. Masyarakat KadazanDusun mempercayai bahawa nenek moyang mereka berasal dari satu tempat yang bernama Nunuk Ragang yang bermakna “Pohon Ara berwarna merah”. Tempat tersebut terletak di satu kawasan hulu Labuk yang pada masa sekarang terletak di Daerah Ranau" ....nahh kawwww...seterusnya boleh dibaca disini....
Delicious Chu Cheong Fun!!!!!
SKYY VODKA Blue Celebration vs STB / SPS Media Nite ....

I did joined the Breeze competition sana FB...for fun of coz but it happened i received this email :P
Congratulations on winning an Exclusive Invitation to SKYY VODKA BLUE CELEBRATION @ The BED, Waterfront! May we have your IC number and full name? So we can list it down in the guest list of the event on that day and for verification purposes when you collect your invitation card at the registration counter on the 22nd January 2010, Friday at 8pm sharp. Here's some info on BLUE CELEBRATION. You have to be at The Bed, Waterfront by 8pm sharp to register yourself. The event will start from 8pm to 10pm and 10pm onwards The BED, Waterfront will be opened to the public for usual business. There will be free flow of SKYY VODKA drinks during the BLUE CELEBRATION, lucky draws and games too for you to enjoy. Remember that you have won a 1+1 Exclusive invitation so you are entitled to bring 1 friend along. You may not need to give your friend/partners name, just yours will do. Thank You and Hope to hear from you soon :).
Green bean....
Dare to eat frog?
again...simpang mengayau sunset......