Attended the Kadus Entertainment (KE) Studded Nite last saturday (18/10). Briefly the programme for that nite was run smoothly. Our local artist so sporting! Besides they sang, they also really dress to kill and joining the games! With the Red Carpet theme..everybody was enjoying taking photos as well :) nah nejoy part pf the photos ....

Jasonjay, Bobby, me, smallville,dengkos, ramesh (actually panas ba tapi mau jga lah minta puji)
mark@kadus, sumpit, me again hehe...& mamaii

the artists..claire, clarice, jenny & ivy ..huh pose habiss dorang nway the all so sweet & beautiful!

betcy, rose & elsy...lovely smile :)

Papier Mache was there .."multi pop" band from Tamparuli :)

Malvin Kalvin with the group ( hehe sory lupa nama pula)

Gideon...also 1 of the artist perform that nite

Ini last terjumpa dia juga since knowing her 2005 thru tenet & ym ..huh galangas hehe

Ini butod @ julius, tdk sangka dia datang, also knowing him sdh lama jga :)

Aleaf...he won the best dress for men

Bernard ...he got a good voice bila nyanyi! kuat mongiup dia bilang, c tau bapa ko ..hehe

sweet couple ..moll & benn, ni pun at last terjumpa c moll kan3

fewit this is Jr...he wont the Mr Friendly on that nite..mmg pun dia friendly

Salute! thanks ya gogds for all the photos :) selalu dia tiada gambar ni, nah kotoh kc tgk sni hehe

Will upload some more photo lagi lah soon :) mau tunggu from other photographer jga ni mau minta gambar ...