I did his heart tattoo. Here's a few backstage photos.
Back Of The Neck Tattoo. On The Hips The hips have been regarded as one of
Old English tattoo lettering

"Key to my heart" gift tags, made by kibbles. Just look at 'em!

by the way my son-in-law got his first tattoo yesterday and here it is
2005 East Tennessee Tattoo and Piercing Festival – 2nd Place Best Color
spelling, tattoo, tragedy
The Key To My Heart, 6.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
His key to my heart! It's a bad picture! Oh and I found favor bottle openers
You hold the key to my Heart
I loves my boo, lawed knows I does, but I would neva get a tattoo
You Hold The Key To My Heart
New Tattoo. 98 CommentsMarch, 2 2009. new_tattoo. What do you think?
The Key to My Heart. 2010yip
Old School Pictures, Images and Photos
I am trying a new product called U-turn from uweightloss.

Worst Tattoo Ever
I got this Tattoo of a heart, with a lock to represent that love is