I consider this is fantastic combination performance by classic & modern dance..Which featuring Korea House Folk Performance & B-Boys....( cari la d internet kalu mau kenal sapa ni B-Boys...tp dorg memang world class ...menang a few championship)
These photo taken pun just their prelude...i think the actual show must be better, grand & of of course full with excitement...:)

Korea House Folk Performance with the tardition dance ..santik!

very cooling...sy suka!

they very good main tu tali2 ..

they can spin their head sama tu gelung2...

beat box...ntah ngam sy pangil ni ..tp he is very good! segala bunyi dia buli buat

yeeee.....with a good music arrangment...u also feel like u can do what they did! eseh



see u all guys..sapa2 yg mau p tinguk ni ..show will be tonite & tomorrow nite, 8pm...IBorneo Grand Ballroom...tickets rm15, rm30 & rm50...
Best ni....!!!!