Balut egg.....
Yes...for the 2nd time..I managed to eat another balut egg, my 1st attempt was with another good friend mesh, sana Labuan! this time was at Manila, recent trip with my colleague...:) some people will say balut is something disgusting...well not for me bah :P
A balut is a fertilized duck (or chicken) egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell.

Saranghaeyo Korea Festival (25 & 26/9/09)...
I consider this is fantastic combination performance by classic & modern dance..Which featuring Korea House Folk Performance & B-Boys....( cari la d internet kalu mau kenal sapa ni B-Boys...tp dorg memang world class ...menang a few championship)
These photo taken pun just their prelude...i think the actual show must be better, grand & of of course full with excitement...:)
Korea House Folk Performance with the tardition dance ..santik!

Itu matahari ....
Last tuesday, ndway mau berhariraya to Alvin @ Defoo punya rumah d Kundasang, sempat lah me & beberapa kawan yg sot2 singah2 a few places utk ambil gambar..so tis happened waktu mau turun p sana memorial park, kundasang...act panas terik & tu matahari sangat terang, mcm tu bulan, tp utk mengelak mataku buta tgk tu matahari secara terus..sy ambi ni thru tu tinted kereta depan....kalu nda buta ohh....
yang ni attempt yg tidak jadi..hancur haha
then ..consider ok hehe ....dpat shape bulat2
ini pun....whaha dui nah punya minta puji ni post ...tia apalah asal sy suka haha

si mata hijau yg sesat ...
I dont know what his name, i dont know where he come from...but he always at this corner...p tidur! everytime jemur kain mesti dia ada..so 1 kali tu nah kadapatan dia kuat tido ...i guess he's our neigbour punya kucing! hopefully.....

Darlings of Borneo
Went back home recently ...sempat lah jalan2 p tingu2 ni kawan2 :) lama tiada datang sini ...nothing much differenct ..cuma ni kawan2 tambah nakal, tambah jajal, tambah adorable ..

ini talapas...wow suma lari sekali dia muncul ...nda ingat sapa nama dia tapi kemunculan dia mengejutkan suma orang haha
happy birthday (5/9) ...bop!
Happy birthday to u...
happy birthday to u...
happy birhday to u....
happy birthday to u...
happy birhday to u....
1. semoga panjang umurrr, murah rejeki (buli ka blanja2) !
2. hoping tis bday kasi rebonding lah tu rambut (she never done anything to her hair like other girl...)
3. Girlish (haha...pakai skirt kah)
4. Ambi driving lesen
5. p piara lagi byk2 anak2 puppy & tingau
itu saja lah yg teringat sekarang :P & happy bday again! cissssssss
Happy bornday to me...!
Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!! :)

i will celebrate my bday with my sister, bop which her birthday on d 5th/sept ...lalalalalala
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