After having a few meetings since last year, finally last saturday on 31st January 2009, at Pusakag Cafe, Kadus Entertainment with the committee's members officially kick off the search for the KE next top entertainer 2009. Suprisingly!...the turn out is very good! unexpected :) more story also can be find here
sumandak and here
gogds :P
at the registration counter

after the completed registration, short brief to the particpant

actually, there is a few memang familiar face & memang jaguh menyanyi ..kan shane

other particpants, tunggu masa briefing and cabut undi

Bernard, champion karaoke competition juga ni bertambah meriah lah the competition ni

lagi participants...tunggu2 sambil menghayal hehe

ok..this the 1st heat punya participant sarius oh muka nerves haha

3rd ka 4th heat punya participant...

whe she got the vote to be the 1st contestant for the 1st heat, everybody was screaming & she also got shock..hehe

haha our bobby the list, sapa mau tgk dia nyanyi datanglah

our photographer.......c pirut boss incharge
so for the 1st heat, will on this coming saturday, 7th February, 7pm at pusakag..everbody is welcome! me lah, sempat posing :P thanks sama gogds for the nice shoot :)