Being so bz...sekali update its christmas already!! as usual, on christmas eve, me & my family will attending the Christmas Eve ...without fail! (we trylah ..hehe that also my mom will remind us 48 hours before). So as early at 730pm we left house although the mass only started at 9pm..biasalah have to come early to make sure we got seat if not berdiri lah... brother, jadi driver for us, hehe trpaksalah

not only us yang awal, the rest as well, patiently waiting till 9pm

oopps..sssstttttt someone praying..ok

still waiting...

bagus ni budak2 tidak bertabiat...hehe

my sis & bro..mau juga bah haha

Mass will start at any time...

mass mom bilang jgn la ambi gambar lg taim turus2 mau pulang sdh lah ..

ni abis sembayang, everybody greet each other :)

my sis..lost my mom, mau bingung haha

ndway back..jammed bah