group photo at tugu tambunan....(curi dr tempat boby ni ah..hehe)
and then sempat berposing mingmodel2 kunun....

sampai at tvrc...c boby lah blur2, mamai happyyy nihh, yg lain panat...

smpat lah dorg jamur kain selepas mandi manda d mahua....doi tu nah sansut spa tu..

our dinner, simple but nice, mamai ma c west kelaparan...
boby n lisa...sweet kan hehe
Kick off the nite...the 1st game, tgk sja lah gambar k & figure it out what kind of game is that...haha
then we continued the 2nd game, the tang3 haha no pic lah..nda sanggup tgk tu gambar jga..then the twister...emmm bikin krem badan ni game...
haha...sampai bertonggeng2...
Consider...that nite everybody was enjoyed, laugh..dance & bermacam2 lagi, will continue later, tau2lah updating while working ni shusahhhh...:)