Venue : Mt Kinabalu, Kundasang
Programme :
23rd August 2008 (Saturday)
0700am : Flag-Off for Women and Men Veteran Category
0720am : Senam tari (aerobic)
0730am : Children drawing competition / Rakan Muda Explore Race
1000am : TM Carnival
0130pm : Race ends
24th August 2008 (Sunday)
0700am : Flag-Off for Men Open Category
0720am : Senam tari (aerobic)
0730am : Children drawing competition / Rakan Muda Explore Race
1000am : TM Carnival
1130pm : Race ends
1230pm : Prize Presentation (Kinabalu Hall, Kinabalu Park)

A note about climbathon
The World's Toughest Mountain Race is back. The Mt. Kinabalu International Climbathon has made its reputation as "The World's Toughest Mountain Race" is a true challenge to the spirit of human endurance. The race involves running up and down Mt. Kinabalu (4095.2 m)- Malaysia's First World Heritage Site, a total distance of 21 KM for both Men and Women category.
Climbathon first started in 1987 where its origin can be traced on Sabah Parks intention to have rapid rescue squad - a team of rangers who can bring down injured climbers fast (especially useful during bad weather when helicopters can't be used.) It was all Malaysian affairs for a year until it was open to international participants. It is now popular among the European mountain runners. They form the majority members in the World Mountain Running Association (WMRA), whose patron is the International Amateur Athletic Federations (IAAF).

Nah itu..part of us, I do love Climbathon coz it is just not for the matter or working but in the same time i can curi2 holiday as well hehe..esp. with fun & sporting colleagues around and merrier with the participant for other places :)
by end of the day we all will gona say this "CHEERS!"
so...Are You Though Enough for climbathon? No harm to try ...