I consider this is something interesting to join in ...:) meeting new friends aka other photographers will be new exposure for me & sharpen my skill yg masi kampung-kampung...:P
for those who interested ..apa lagi, no harm to join, fees at rm30 (rm10 for refreshment & rm20 for tshirts)......
With great teamwork from us (mesti mau minta puji jga bah ..haha) Sabah Tourism Award 2009 was ended superb! although before it was hetic with the preparation...but at the end we smiling satisfied!! Opening gimmic...1 thing about our menteri, he so sporting to this part...to be the "Sabah James Bond"...
fun part....!!!!! sudah ba we menari dalam ballroom..but it is just not enough for us to end the nite just like that ......
i gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
Berapa birthday sudah sumpit sa kanal ko tu kunun?
gambaran hiasan...tapi memang berlaku seketika dahulu ..
Happy birthday lah...lagi sa wish...semoga panjang umur! teruskan la bermodel2, jaga jirawat remaja...& semoga tahun dpan punya bday ...sa wish lagi haha :P
Although sometimes i do complaining about my work..but yet im enjoying what im doing, esp meeting those well known artis such as akak ogy ...consider its a golden opportuninty when the bosses ask me to taking care of her...best!
In conjunction with "hari wanita 2009" ogy was invited to be the emcee ..its fun & challenging job in the same time when handling banyak perkara with her hehe...
as well with erra fazira..im impress the way she carry her self! beautiful..& she is nice to talk with :)
after event..biasalah ..bergambar2 tp ada juga lah tu lelaki kena suruh kerja for wanita haha