Tattoo Gmail - Cool Tattoos Pictures, Great Tattoo Designs of Tribal, Butterfly, Dragon, wings, zodiac, Dragonfly, Lower back, chinese, japanese, asian, dolphin, religious, sun, lion, animal, fairy, flower, floral, cherry blossom , star, cross, girls, gothic, jesus, Hawaiian, skinhead, arm, foot, ankle, angel wings, 3d flash, body art, Celtic, Polynesian, heart, love, feminine tattoos gallery
Found this while visiting the butterfly park at Poring :P I like..cantik nih...
awas kamu org ..sy sumpit! ( bukan sumpit @ mark iven tu lah )
nah kan ..rugi tidak datang...act banyak lg tu gmbar tapi cukup itu sahajalah ....skrg bz tu HOG Rally..yg motor besar2 tu ..then Kaamatan ..then Dragon Boat..doii nda pandai habis2 ni karaja....